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A 9-year-old Boy Earning 200 Million Per Year Through Toy Evaluation, Why Could This New Generation of Bloggers Take the Lead? (II)

The popularity and money-making competence of children bloggers demonstrate their infinite possibilities, and at the same time, are beyond the reach of many adults.

Most of the income of YouTube bloggers comes from advertising, paid sponsored content, merchandise sales and offline events. To make big money, they need professional and mature business operations for backup.


Most of Ryan’s revenue comes from advertising in the first half of the film, which accounts for 96% of his total revenue, and the rest comes from sponsors. His Midas touch is so effective that every toy that he praised could sell out that same day. This is undoubtedly a kind of video promotion in the present fashion.

At present, Ryan already has his own independent toys, clothing, and home furnishing brands, which are sold in retail giants such as Wal-Mart, Amazon, and Target. At the end of last year, the Ryan family also opened an online store on Amazon, opening up the cooperation channel of offline and online sales.

At the same time, he also hosts his own derived TV show on CNN’s Nickelodeon Channel, and reached an agreement with American streaming giant Hulu to repackage his video.

Anastasia, also, is very popular among advertisers. She has received no less than six-figure checks from well-known sponsor brands including Danone Group and Legoland.

Her management team will launch a series of toys and mobile games, and plans to publish a book in the near future. Last year, she and her parents moved from Krasnodar, Russia, to Boca Raton, Florida.

While children “net celebrities” have gradually been a new business favorite, more and more children are appearing in short videos on Internet.

Some young kids appear on accounts carefully planned by their parents, and when they grow up, they begin to create their own channels on YouTube, and many of them became social media “stars” at an early age.

The question is: Should parents encourage their children to become public figures at such an early age?

Presumably, when it comes to raising children, most parents in the world would hope that their children could make a difference in the future, and that their children could achieve success defined by the mainstream society.


Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov, a law professor and electronic security consultant, is also the mother of two boys. She suggests:

“Although a small number of children and families have already reaped financial rewards, parents should educate their children to act cautiously before encouraging them to become public figures.” “Parents need to be aware of the psychological, physical and emotional impact caused by the continuous lens captures on their children.”

She also emphasized issues like bullying, dressing and identity theft, and suggested that parents strictly control the output contents and guide their children to use them responsibly and safely in the online world.

In today’s increasingly sophisticated high-tech business society, super-strong money-making “child stars” like Ryan and Anastasia are undoubtedly successful. It is not so much that they are consuming themselves or being successfully consumed to obtain dividends, it is better to say that under the supervision of their parents, they have demonstrated their original privacy lifestyle and hobbies, and realized their value in advance.

After all, as Zweig said, all gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced. He also said that the pleasure of understanding people is much greater than that of judging people.

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