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Argentina Mourned Over Maradona’s Death for Three Days, Why a Football Player Could Own Such an Honor? (II)

Hand of God

The 1986 World Cup in Mexico was a fateful battle for Argentines. The irreconcilable feud with Britain was revived on the field.

Argentina team met England team in the quarter-final of the knockout round. In the first half, both sides failed to make any achievement, but Maradona scored a goal by his “header” at the beginning of the second half. However, if seen from the picture, his hand hit the football when Maradona scored his goal.


But the referee on duty did not see it clearly and allowed the goal to stand. Afterwards, Maradona actually staged the classic scene of a man driving straight seventy meters on the pitch to score a goal, which was considered by many as one of the most wonderful goals in the history of the World Cup.

When asked about the goal that was suspected a handball, Maradona denied that, but later he admitted it, calling it “the hand of God”. This little Argentine humiliated his political enemy with his football skills and the “God’s will” in the match, which made the British angry but helpless.

Maradona led Argentina all the way through all obstacles, winning the FIFA World Cup in 1986. This was too important for the people of Argentina who were in dire straits. It was soothing and encouraging.

The Catholic Argentines believed that Maradona was like a man sent from heaven to save the country. He was not a saint. He smoked, drank and caused trouble, but even so, he continued his life smartly and freely like an eagle on the Pampas Steppe.

In the world of football, there is no lack of such talents as Ronaldo, who is talented and extremely self-disciplined and hard-working. But for a genius like Maradona, it's hard to imagine how capable he was. When he was still a football player, his figure began to lose shape.

He lived in Naples, participated in football match on weekends, and then enjoyed an indulgent life for three consecutive days, with only two days left for training. He was arrested by the police more than once for carrying around all kinds of contraband. But he still managed to score a goal and create miracles. In the football world, he was one of a kind.

The Rest Life of Hero

After ending his football-playing career, Maradona appeared on news again because of various scandals and his portly figure.


When his physical state was stable, he coached the Argentine club team and led the Argentine national team to appear in the 2010 World Cup, but his performance was mediocre and his ability was obviously not as good as when he was a player.

He had always been keeping his passionate style, stealing the limelight on the sidelines of the field and boosting morale when the team was in trouble. He possessed amazing cohesion in football-stars-studded Argentina. Because in front of him, no one had the courage to “put on airs”, neither did Messi.

And he had never forgotten his identity as “the people’s Maradona” or his origin as a “slum boy”.

When he was playing football in Italy, he was received by the Pope, but he bluntly said that the Holy See was extravagant and disregarded the lives of the poor; in Naples, he represented the impoverished southern and northern Italy against the powerful and the rich, and the common people put his portrait next to the statue of Jesus at home.

He had close contacts with socialist leaders in Latin America such as Castro in Cuba and Chavez in Venezuela. He also openly supported left-wing parties in the country to promote social justice.

He was a man full of controversy, but he drew a clear distinction between Love and Hate; he was given to sensual pleasures, but honest and straightforward. You may not love him, but you cannot deny that he is unconditionally loved by the people of Argentina and has become a symbol of the times.

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